Thursday, 30 April 2009

The end of chemo! Hooray!

It finally happened, the last chemo. I had the last one, number 6 last Thursday and I can tell you I am so glad that it's all over with. It has been an experience that became increasingly more difficult as I had each one. This last one proving to be the most troublesome. It is only today, a week later, that I can feel a little energy slowly coming back into my body. 

My eyes are sore they feel like they are constantly stinging, my nose is full of scabs and always running and is so sore, the veins in my arm hurt, my head hurts, my ribs hurt and my whole body aches. (sorry for moaning, enough of that!)

Anyway as I said, I can now feel my energy slowly increasing and that's a positive. I am now looking forward to starting to feel well again and I will. 

There are so many things I have to look forward to starting with our granddaughter Ellie's birthday coming up this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing her and little Max. I'm hoping by then I'll be feeling much stronger.

Nick has been a star husband, my rock, and I am so so lucky to have such a wonderful caring person by my side, giving me all the love and support which he has done and he never complains. I know that not everyone would have had the same degree of care and attention which Nick has given to me. I feel truly very lucky. :)

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Catch Up

Hello to anyone who's still with me. 

I apologise for not posting recently but chemo number 5 wasn't very kind to me and left me feeling very tired and unlike any of the others I had a few days of feeling quite sick and not feeling too well at all. Even our anniversary passed us quietly by as I really didn't feel well enough or energetic enough to go anywhere or do anything special. 

It's been harder this time to get myself back up and running and already the time has come round for number 6 which will be my last one. Hooray!

It's becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything for long periods of time and my eyes are so sore that reading is quite a struggle for me. 

Yesterday I went for my pre assessment and for my bloods to be checked at the hospital. They had a bit of a job getting my blood as the veins have hardened and it was pretty painful. After a couple of attempts and a couple of nurses the third time was successful.

Tomorrow is chemo number 6, the last one! I'm a little worried that it may be painful as the drugs from the previous chemos have taken their toll on my veins which has caused them to harden and constrict. The good thing is that it is the last one and once I am starting to feel better I will be able to put it all behind me!

Radiotherapy planning is on the 5th May, again at St James then treatment will start 2 weeks later. 

I am so looking forward to being "normal" again.