Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Hooray! All done! cooked and roasted and ready for the summer!

Well I did it, I finally reached the end. I had my last treatment yesterday. It's hard to believe that it's all finished. It has been such a long journey and at times there has been some difficult hurdles to overcome but with Nick constantly by my side I feel sure that he has made this period in my life so much easier to deal with than if I had still been on my own. 

He is truly a very amazing person who's never ending love, huge amount of understanding and patience has kept me feeling so loved and cared for at a time when I have most needed it. I feel very honored to have him as my husband and appreciate all he does and has done for me especially over the last eight months. 

During this time Nick has not only continued with a full time job but has come home from work and done jobs around the house and helped to get meals. He has also studied for exams and used up most of his weekends working hard on our garden project and all the time taking care of me and never once complaining, Nick is positively remarkable! And I am a very lucky lady!

I have had so much care and support from so many people. The blogsite has really been a particularly great source of support for me and I appreciate very much the time and effort which people have taken to read my ramblings. I value all the messages that I have received from you all, it has been lovely to see how much people care and this has had a very positive effect on me and has undoubtedly helped me along the road to recovery. :)

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Nearly there!

Radiotherapy is going well, I now have had 17 sessions and with only 3 more left to go the end is finally in sight! I am feeling extremely tired, a bit tender and sore and over the last couple of days have been feeling sick too. I find it quite difficult to concentrate for long to the point of only being able to read a couple of pages of a book at a time, even then it's difficult to then remember what I've just read. I am looking forward to next week, when the daily trips to the hospital will come to an end and I will be able to begin to get back to normal :)

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Good News

I'm pleased to share my excellent news with everyone. Yesterday I had a phone call from the consultant at the hospital to tell me that they had received the radiologists report about my liver and it was such a relief to be told that what had shown up was benign. Only 7 more radiotherapy sessions left! Yey!! :)

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Another day at the hospital

Another day, another appointment. I returned to hospital today for an appointment to see the consultant. The doctor examined me and said it all seems to be going fine! I mentioned that I had been worried about what he had said about my liver last time and that I thought that was why I was coming back to see him today. He said he had forgotten and that he still had not had the report back. So now we have to wait for him to get the report back but he says he doesn't think there is any need to worry as he feels sure it will be a cyst. So I am trying to keep my thoughts on a positive note.

I am now just over half way through my radiotherapy sessions having had my 11th one today, 9 more to go! Radiotherapy seems to be going well although I am just beginning to turn a little pinker and a little tender around the area of my treatment, the doctor has warned me that it will probably get worse and last for sometime after my treatment is finished. 

I have been taking the Tamoxifen for 2 weeks now and that all seems to be going ok too. I have only managed to forget one tablet, which the doctor said would be alright.