Tuesday, 24 March 2009

To Baldly go where other women have gone before!

Well it's finally happened and this is how I look! It's not so bad after all, although a bit chilly at times! You certainly know when there's a draft. It takes a bit of getting used to and so far have managed to go out twice in public with a naked head and have felt perfectly alright about it, although on both those occasions I have had the support of someone with me. As yet I have not ventured out alone with a naked head, I feel that will be a little harder to do. 

Dean and Sven want to paint my head like a Cadbury's Cream Egg!! I think I do a good impression of a Buddhist Monk and Nick wants to stamp a best before date on my head with the lion mark on it!


  1. i personally think you look a lot better without hair than having the strands you had. you look younger and healthier. more positive.
    so can you put us up side by side, 2 baldies together!

  2. With or without hair, you are a lovely person! Hope you are feeling good xxx

  3. See, still beautiful, I told you xxx Shona

  4. Still the same person inside though and that's what counts. Anyway pesonally think looks better than having lots of strands of hair. You be brave and venture out alone. You can do it!!!
    Take Care
    Love Donna x
