Sunday 9 August 2015

Getting ready for round three!

Nearly half way through my chemo! The last three weeks have gone pretty quick! I must admit though, lack of sleep over the last couple of weeks has left me pretty tired and due to a combination of effects of chemo and a cocktail of drugs my digestive system has gone from one extreme to another. It has only just started to settle down to somewhat normal but tomorrow I am to begin the next cycle of pre chemo drugs which will start the never ending circle of side effects!

Yet another hospital appointment tomorrow too, this time to see the oncologists to assess how kind chemo is being to me! Then they will take some more blood to test my state of health, anaemia, infections, immune system, bone marrow conditions. They measure levels of haemoglobin, platelets, neutrophils and white blood cells. The results come back the following day and provided the levels are all acceptable then chemo number three will go ahead and I'll be half way through! Yey!

So far it all seems to be going along fairly well and with the support of my truly wonderful husband Nick who is always there for me, my family and some very dear friends giving support to me along the way you all keep me feeling strong and confident, Thank you all x x

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