Monday 9 March 2009

Oops! the post is late!

Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while since I put a new post on here but to be honest I have been really tired and have found it quite difficult to concentrate long enough to write anything worth reading. 

What's been happening ?

Not a great deal really. Mostly I have been quite tired and although my mind hasn't wanted to rest, my body has needed to rest. It has been very frustrating at times to see that there are things that need to be done and to have the time to do them but lacking the strength and energy to complete the task or in some cases to even get started! 

As you will have read in my last post I wrote about the veins in my arm beginning to harden and that had caused me some pain. The problem with the arm increased even though I applied gel which was prescribed by the hospital and I tried to keep movement in my arm, stretching and turning as much as the pain would allow but by the second week it was really very sore and painful to touch. By the end of the second week everything had got on top of me really and the emotional side of it all got the better of me! I think it was an accumulation of everything, like not having the energy to do normal everyday things, added to that the constant soreness in my arm all heightened  by the accumulation of fatigue which all ended in tears. A few tissues later and big cuddles and comforting words from Nick and I was right as rain, once again feeling much better about it all.

My next chemo is on Thursday and I am a little apprehensive but that is only because of how my arm has been and how it was the last time. Perhaps it won't be so bad as there is still a couple of days for further improvement. 

Nick needed to work a few days in Andover which isn't too far from where my sister Sharon lives. We thought that would be a good opportunity to spend some more time together so that's just what we did. Sharon, who is now doing very well in her recovery and I, had a sofa each. It was nice to be able to yet again spend more time together and to give support to one another. Nick could travel each day between Sharon's and Andover and this meant that we didn't have to be all those miles away. :) Aaahhhhh 

As you can see from the picture I am still managing to hold on to some of my hair! The thing is that I am actually very bald on the top of my head and the photo is making me look better than I really do! The hair is really extremely thin and I am losing more each day now. I'm not sure how long it will last, maybe a week or ten days. We'll have to see. I am now feeling more positive about losing my hair and I am thinking it will all be ok. The truth is I don't really know exactly how I will feel until it happens but at the moment I feel fine :)


  1. Hi Mandy,
    After speaking to you on the old fashioned telephone this afternoon, I decided to find out what this new fangled thing called "blogging" was all about and looked on the website you gave me. WOW! I'm really impressed! You must have put in a lot of work to set it up and link up to the other sites. I was under the impression that you had lost most of your hair and it was great to see that you still had those thick tresses that I recognise. When Sonia had her treatment for IVF the drugs made her loose alot of hair and she finished up shaving off the rest... wearing bandanas when she went out,but I've read the blogs and found out that you are knitting hats instead. Good for you! Since I retired I have taken up knitting again, mostly toys, and the great nephews and nieces,received knitted teddies with their sweeties.I'm knitting a pirate for the caravan, at the moment! (I'm getting like she keeping well?)

    I hope Thursday's chemo doesn't give you too much discomfort, think positive, think of Lou Tice!
    Love Sue

  2. Good luck for tomorrow; hope it doesn't hurt too much. Just keep thinking there'll only be two more left to go.
    We'll be thinking of you x

  3. Hope yesterday went well Mandy and your arm is not too sore. At the childrens centre we all went dressed in our pyjamas today for comic relief which was a bit strange. All the adults said it made us feel really relaxed but unfortunately it had the opposite effect on the kids who were as high as kites! Amanda got dressed up as Iggle Piggle and only managed to freak 2 children out! Good fun was had by all. Have you got a recipe for that chocolate thing you brought into school, think my son would really like it? Hope to speak to again soon and take care. Jayne W x

  4. Hi Mandy. Hope number 4 was okayish...that's if it is at all possible for chemo to be regarded as such......all a bit hardcore if you ask me so it's a good job that you're tough....Glad to hear that you managed some time out with your sis and that she's recovering well after her marathon op. At our end things are pretty chaotic...two more walls coming down tomorrow.....oh well,guess you can't make an omelette without cracking eggs! Take from Amanda and the

  5. Hi there, hoping you are doing well, only 2 more left to go of the buggers! How's the arm- just take things steady, Mandy and try to go with it.I bet your lovely men will be looking after you, take care
    Love andrea x x x
