Tuesday 15 September 2015

Good News, lots of Phews!

Mandy has just about had the fortnight from hell, with the many effects of chemo, the onset of lymph oedema, and then discovering the serious concerns of the doctors over the possible cause of the lymphoedema and concern that cancer may be  causing the problem. Understandably, at times she has been mentally, physically and emotionally stretched, but has tried so hard to protect me from all of that by saying she is fine, when I can see that she is not. 

Well,  the appointment we were almost hoping would never arrive, had to be faced today. We were getting the results of the scans on the area of the last operation, and received the news that the scan did not show anything. Fantastic news, and such a relief, because at times like these the mind goes all over the place.

Tonight feels much different to the way we both thought it may feel. 

Thank you everyone for your kind support. It is getting Mandy through all of this.


  1. Hi Mandy n Nick, So pleased that good news is finally coming your way, I can't imagine what you both must be going through. We are both here for you both if there is anything you need just give us a shout, thinking of you both n hope more good news arrives soon xx

    1. Thank you Shel, I am always telling people we have the best neighbours ever. You have always been there for us

  2. Thank you Chel, the last few days have been tough but hopefully things will start getting better again now. I certainly fee better after today and I am sure Mandy does

  3. Brilliant news! Thanks for keeping us up to date.
    Love, as always,

    1. Thanks Cherie, you mean a lot to Mandy, but I think you know that already

  4. Sooo pleased to hear that. Congratulations to both of you. Stay positive!
    Sandra (Midgley)

    1. Thank you Sandra, it has been tough at times but Mandy is a positive person. Your support as a person who understands has been fantastic, we are both very touched by your caring

  5. Fantastic news...much love to you both xxxxx

    1. Yes Shelly, to use a cliche, we are both over the moon that we got the right result on that one. Thank you for your message, it means a lot to Mandy

  6. That is great news, bet your both so relieved xxxxx

    1. Yes it was a good afternoon Jacqueline. We were both so scared

    2. And thank you Jacqueline, you have never stopped showing that you care
