Sunday 19 July 2015

Bad hair day! Bad day!

Sorry but I'm not exactly feeling at my best today which has resulted in me not feeling like getting dressed and staying in bed all day! On the physical side I seem to be fairing reasonably well, yes I have had a few side effects but on the whole they have not been too troublesome and have managed them well. 

It's more the emotional side of things that have over the last week proved quite difficult to deal with at times and although I have tried to remain positive it's all been a bit like a ride on the Big Dipper. This has left me at times feeling alienated, isolated and basically pretty worthless.


With the added emotions of dealing with the hair loss it has been a difficult week that I have worked hard to overcome but has ended up getting the better of me! This has resulted in me not wanting to go out and to top it off at the moment I feel ugly too! 

Even so I will try to keep smiling and I know this is just a small part of this journey and I will be ok because with the help, love, understanding and support of the most important person in my life I know that My wonderful husband Nick will always be right by my side giving me the strength and self belief to get us through the tougher moments! 

I think this is probably the most negative post I have ever written and I apologise now if it comes across as feeling sorry for my self, maybe at the moment I do! I like to keep my blog positive, light hearted and with some humour where I can but I also think it's quite important to be honest too! 

I'm sure these feelings won't stay around for too long and hopefully I will be back to my happy self again, please don't stop reading and even better please comment as I am always happy to see people commenting on my posts! I will try to make the next post more positive! Thanks for taking the time to read. Sorry!


  1. Carla Jackson xxxxx20 July 2015 at 21:38

    Mandy you are a beautiful person inside and out. You have done this once and can definitely do it again, all the love and luck in the world xxx

  2. You are so kind Carla, thank you so much for your comment it means a lot right now! It made me smile and it made me feel good, thank you. I went to pre assessment today and they seem pleased with how I've been getting along regarding side effects as it has not been so bad. Tomorrow is chemo number two and prior to that I am at The Robert Ogden Centre for a wig fitting, not really sure how that will turn out but we'll see! I feel much better today, maybe cos I wore some of my new clothes and dropped two dress sizes up top and one dress size on the bottom half! At least there are some benefits :) x x

  3. It's perfectly natural and understandable to have a few down days.....I'm sure that even girl power warriors like Joan of Arc and Boudiccea did too! You have been a shining example of fortitude and strength and we give our gold star to the classroom assistant for sticking with it at the toughest of times. Remember that tomorrow is a new day........ Love Amanda Greg and Gang xx
