Thursday 15 January 2009

A few Lollie's later

Hello Bloggers, A few hours and lollie's later and the sore throat is being kept at bay, I have little ulcer's lining the inside of my bottom lip but hey, it's a small price to pay.

Had a fair bit of sleep through the night and I'm feeling so much better than yesterday! I've even done the ironing, whoo hoo! 

My other souper sister has also been to visit me with a pan of homemade soup, which I had for lunch and really enjoyed! So much so that I'm now going to have more of it for my tea! Yummy, thanks Michelle. X


  1. hi Mandy,
    Hows the mouth-Brent is telling you that teatree oil in a mouth wash is good, and herbal toothpastes with propolis won't be as abrasive for the inside of your mouth. You could always try it!
    Glad to hear all fine at the hospital and that you are sleeping much better. You are on the up again lass!!
    Quiet at school- lots of excited Year 5's looking forward to swimming.
    Catch ya laters, Andrea xx

  2. Don't know what happened to my last message - it's probably lost and floating around somewhere in cyber space. You seem to be blessed with a lot of computer-illiterate friends! A nice little spin-off of your blog is that I get to hear Castleton news once more! Love to you all. Get those feet up, Mandy, and make the most of your three men - all willing to wait on you hand on foot...can't be bad. But really, take care. See you soon x

  3. Andrea, tell Brent thanks for his tips, I will check that out with my Chemo Nurse, nothing about not trusting Brent but have been told by Chemo nurse to check on taking things especially if it is herbal. Sounds good to me though. Will let you know what they say!

    Cherrie, I think your other message must have got lost somewhere in cyberspace never to be found again! Yes it's lovely to have everyone posting messages on here, it's like a little community where we can all come together! My three men are fantastic and cater to my every need. I really am so very lucky!
