Tuesday 13 January 2009


Hi all, I have now been without any sleep for about 40 hours! Funny thing is though is that I don't feel particularly tired! Just as if I've drank about 50 cans of Red Bull! My Chemo Nurse phoned today and said it was an effect from the steroids and anti-sickness tablets and that it should settle back in a couple of days!! Oh Joy, thank goodness for Ipod's. 
They are going to change the times I take them on the next cycle, hopefully that will improve the sleep problem. Have also started with a slightly sore throat and mouth which is another of the side effects but as yet isn't too bad and am soothing that with ice lollies and corsodyl mouthwash.

Went to have my scan today for lumps which appeared on my leg and arm after surgery and good news, their opinion is that they are not related and not harmful. They said they are called Lipomas, which is just a harmless fatty lump, results from doctors in a week. So that sounds good :) 
Dean and Nick are doing a can't cook, won't cook double act in the kitchen, I'm sure we're in for some wonderful culinary delight! Mmmmmm!


  1. ask if you can have an ice lolly while having chemmo next time, not that it always works.

    so who will ask the question and there won't be an answer for at least another week or so, lol

    glad the results were ok.

  2. Good news about the lumps but hope the other things sort themselves out soon. I have a suggestion for your resident cooks;
    "101 simple suppers" is a little square paperback (Good Food magazine BBC books) It uses really basic ingredients and the recipes are quick and easy ----and really good. It's worth all of the £5 it costs. If they get hooked there are a lot more in the series.Look after yourself. Let me know when you're ready for that shopping trip x

  3. Hi
    Finally managed to get time to work out how to blog you. You know I not very ICT literate. Glad everything seem to be going well so far. Keep your chin up and stay positive. Really like the hair net isn suits you ( ha ha ! ) worth trying nothing to lose ( remember what your reply to that was ? )
    Anyway lovey take care remember there's a lot of people supporting you all the way
    Speak soon
    Love Donna
