Monday 2 February 2009

Oh! What a lovely surprise!

Eileen and Barry,

Thank you so much for the flowers, they are beautiful. As you can see they really did cheer me up! I think Disney appreciated them too! Can you see her trying to smell them?
Nick had also brought me some home so I put them all in together! Don't they look lovely!


  1. hi Mandy. This is my third attempt at sending this message... and there was me thinking that i'd got this thing cracked. Sorry to hear that you,ve been on a bit of a downer... the hair thing is kinda a tough one (respect to all those follicly challenged men for whom hair loss is absolutely permanent). Reading about your hats I put my own thinking cap on and figured that if you were to wear very high heels then only the tall and very tall would notice......I say this as a positive thinking shortie...whatever, I know you'll work through it .....and it defo will all grow back. The flowers look a picture and it's good to see you smiling ....brilliant medecine so I'm told.In any case just remember that you have a stack of people thinking about you....and Nick.Love from Amanda and the gang. xxx.

  2. Keep your chin up.....that's also what I've been saying to Sas as she practises her marching! Hope you're on an up rather than a're in our thoughts. Love Amanda and the gang.
