Friday 1 May 2015

Back Talking

Hi everyone

Mandy is back now, talking to us and the nurses, telling us all about how wonderful everyone is, and insisting that if she can just have a little tea and toast, she will be fit to return home( another one of her little jokes I hope) she has been inviting the nurses to use the curtains around the bed to put on a puppet show but so far none of them are auditioning for this version of Britains Got Talent. She looks tired which is not surprising because she actually stayed up all last night! she is on Ward L39 in Leeds (LGI) and it is HOT! HOT!HOT! All part of the treatment to give the operation the maximum chance of success. Oh and she thinks she has found a replacement to work with Orville



  1. That's fantastic news ...give her a big kiss from me. Shelly xxxxx

  2. Mandy Bennett1 May 2015 at 18:40

    Send Mandy love and best wishes. She is a very brave lady and has so much strength. Take care both of you love Mandy xx

    1. Thank you for thinking of her Mandy and you are right she is brave no matter what she says!

  3. Glad she back safe and sound . I gather her spirit is still there making everyone laugh ... Good for her . Wish her well .. Take care x donna

    1. Thanks Donna, she was a bit hilarious when she came round, the effect of the anaesthetic I think

  4. So pleased aha out and safe and sound .. No doubt she'll give them all a run around as soon as she well enough .. Take care
    Love donna x

  5. Hey Mandy,
    Happy to read your out of surgery and thank you Nick for posting messages and keeping us all up to date.
    Just wanted to let you know i have been thinking of you lots. Sending you my best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. Stay strong Mandy😊. I will message you again soon. Sending you lots of hugs and much love. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much Salma, these messages of support are really important to keep her spirits up, it means a lot to her

  6. Thats great news to know she is through the surgery, what a relief for you all. Sending you lots of love xxx

  7. Jacqueline Carver1 May 2015 at 21:49

    Good hear she is joking and still always thinking of others......Been thinking about her all day, the worst is over time to recover xxxxx

    1. Thank you Jacqueline, she always really appreciates your kind support, and yes she does think of others, a bit like you really!

  8. Glad to hear it. Give her my Love please Nick xxx

    1. Thank you Colleen, time she had a cuppa with you, we can even find a big cup!

  9. Just wondering how Mandy is doing today ? Give her my love x

  10. Just wondering how Mandy is doing today ?? Hope she is behaving for the doctors and nurses. Give her my love
    Donna xx

  11. Yes Andrea, you can imagine how I felt seeing her safely back, looking forward to getting her home again
