Saturday 16 May 2015

It's shower time!

Excitement and apprehension after being given the go a head from from the dressing clinic yesterday that I can now have a shower! Yesterday I felt I couldn't wait, I thought, how much have I longed to do just that. Anyway by the time I got home yesterday I felt far too tired. 

So today's the day for feeling truly refreshed for up to now it has been a case of washing from top to bottom taking great care not to get any dressings wet and this usually takes me a good half hour! Then there is the hair washing which means enlisting the help of another pair of hands to help hold the shower whilst leaning over the bath which then gives you back ache! Never before would you think that would become such a tricky and tiring task!

April showers! Here come the showers in May!


  1. Its good to hear that things are healing up nicely, keep resting up and enjoying your swing in the garden.xxxx

  2. Thanks Andrea, the fruit is going down a treat! Loving it! The flowers are beautiful too!
