Friday 8 May 2015

Catch up time!

Hi everyone! 
Well it's been a long hard week but I'm doing well, this is what all the medical staff here have been telling me anyway! Today I actually believe that to be true! Over the last couple of days I have been encouraged to sit up on the side of the bed, then to stand which I managed very well on Tuesday. 
I would never believe that standing up could make you feel so exhausted! But hey I felt I'd done an amazing job! Feeling very tired I slept and in between sleeping felt quite sick too! So still wasn't eating very much at all. 

Wednesday they thought it would be a good idea to try again and I agreed as I just wanted to follow their advise to be able to make a quick getaway! So the physiotherapists get me to sit on the side of the bed next to stand and the aim is to walk a few steps to the chair. Well, I think that doesn't seem so hard so away I go and manage all they asked, they all had big smiles and seem extremely pleased with my achievement as did I and as I had done it so well my prize was to sit out in the chair until they came back for me ( may I just say, I am alone in a private side room) anyway there I am proudly sitting in my chair feeling this is going to be very doable and wondering what my next task will be. 

All at once I have an immense feeling of suddenly not feeling very well at al, thinking I may pass out and end up on the floor I manage to pull the trolley table towards me and press the buzzer for help! Hoping someone would arrive quickly( which they did) I was slumped over the trolley table before I realised there were five members of staff around me asking questions, giving instructions, taking blood pressure etc. at this point they decide now would be a good time to make the bed, all I wanted to do was get laid back on it but somehow I wasn't sure how that was going to happen! So my blood pressure is 65 over 30 which I don't really understand but apparently is Very Low! So following a few cups of water which one poured down my neck sand pushing the chair with me on towards the bed I was physically helped back into bed and took a little while to get over my little drama!

After discussions it is decided to be a good idea to move me out of the private room and onto a bay (6) beds. So here I am on this bay! I have gone from being able to stand and walk a few steps to a chair! To being wheeled to a toilet and back! Later i feel up to walking and manage well and am feeling I'm now good to go!

Thursday today I am feeling good! I am walking briskly back and forth to the loo  as the day goes on I feel I am getting there! After a good wash and new dressing and the promise of help to wash my hair I am feeling nothing can stop me now!

There is more to write but it's late the lady in the bed next to me is snoring, grunting and by the sounds of things eating a meal! Who knows! But she managed to keep me and two other ladies awake just about the whole night last night!

Its a rowdy bay throughout the day and it's been difficult to write the blog at that time but if you can't beat them, join them! 

I shall tell more tomorrow.

Let the dancing commence!


  1. Forget the dancing, Will you be ok to drive home, cook dinner, lay a bit of concrete, and clean my shoes?

  2. You're an extremely admirable woman. Sending you all my love.
    Hope xxx

  3. Good to hear you're doing so well. I bet you're their favourite patient - positive, co-operative, cheerful and appreciative. They sound to be looking after you well. Keep smiling - I know you will.
    Love, as always,

  4. So glad your feeling better Mandy. Missing my buddy.
    Love ya Shelly xxxxx

  5. Thank you everyone for all your lovely supportive comments, it's hard going but I am beginning to get on top of things and will find some time to write more soon x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
